Wednesday, July 29, 2009

35 weeks

I'm 35 weeks this week. Been having Braxton-Hicks contraction on and off. It feels particularly weird when baby kicks too hard and you can actually feel her feet. It's amazing how I can actually play with her. She doesn't seem to like it when I try to move/touch my belly button, as it probably pulls the umbilical cord. She will try to move around and shift her position, although she can't really do that anymore.

Her head is still at the constant position, ie at the bottom.

I have been trying to figure out what position is baby in.

Below are a few which I know is definite but couldn't figure out which out of the three. Baby's feet is kicking on top of my right rib and baby's been having hiccups everyday, and I can feel it at the bottom near my pubic area, which is how I was sure baby's head's down, ready for labour soon.

Left Posterior

Left Lateral

Left Anterior

Apparently, the best position for labour is anterior as labour is nearly always shorter and easier if the baby is anterior.

If baby is in posterior position,
  • Your waters are more likely to break at the beginning of labour.
  • You have a lot of backache during and in between contractions.
  • Labour is slower.
  • You may need forceps to help you give birth to your baby.
Baby's been having hiccups everyday and everytime, it last about 5-10 minutes. At first it was quite annoying, it feels like very strong heartbeat and it just distracts you from working. But when I learnt that it all indicates baby's lung is developing and preparing itself to function when baby comes out, I was okay with it. Meaning to say, baby needs to hiccup.

Alrighty, that's all for now. Dinner time!



anyone who is getting pregnant or giving birth should at least read your blog abit! =P SO much info !
anyway, yes i liked the part where you said the hiccups are annoying but that proves your baby's lungs are developing!

praise God!

ps: I miss having dinner with you guys. I love the speghetti, the lamb, the meatballs and wine, sigh.


Haha, yes, I try to learn as much as I can, and share as much as I learn with everyone.

Yeah, I hope you can come again. =)

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