Tuesday, February 24, 2009

NT Scan

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Words cannot begin to describe how I felt when I saw my baby at the scan today. Every part of the baby is formed and now, it's just the matter of the baby growing bigger.

I'm just lost for words now, I shall post when I am more composed. Need to let reality sink in... =)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Update at 11 weeks+

Thank God, my morning sickness has reduced dramatically since the last 2 entries of my blog (I'm sorry, I can't help to think this is the worst thing that's happening to me now. The 'real' thing is yet to come!)

Did a serial blood test, and all pregnancy markers were excellent, even my boss said I would not get any better result than that!! So, baby's doing extremely well despite me giving in to KFC cravings ever so often now. Gosh, you cannot believe how wonderful 'wicked wings' taste like during pregnancy for me. It's like my ultimate meal! Still, I take my folic acid and multivitamins AND fish oil regularly, so probably that's why the good countered the bad! (I AM justifying my act, sorry baby!).

My next scan will be this Monday. Hubby is going to accompany me and I can't wait to see the look in his face when he sees how big the baby has grown.

Finally... *sigh* I am going to find out about my baby's gender by next week (not by scan). I so wanted to leave it as a surprise but I guess, it will only make names choosing process more complicated and unnecessary. Plus, hubby is so keen to find out. So, we shall see.

I'm off for holiday soon. Will keep you all updated through my blog. Ciao!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Update at 10 weeks +

Had a scan last Thursday and baby has grown to about 9.2cm in length in 3 weeks!!

I saw the heartbeat beating stronger than before and I was so proud of my little one doing so well .

Also did an initial blood test. All was fine except that my PAPP-A reading was slightly higher although my boss said it's not a problem. It's only a problem if the reading is very low. Most pregnancy will not thrive should PAPP-A level be too low. So, my boss said my baby is very strong! Probably just to encourage me and ease my mind.

I'll be doing another blood test on the 18th and a nuchal scan on the 23rd of this month before I see my obstetrician the second time on the 26th. Oh, did I mention my obstetrician is a very nice man, probably in his 50s. He is quite well-known too apparently. For that, I am so glad I managed to book him early.

As for how I've been feeling for the past few weeks, nausea has eased tremendously although it still lingers mainly in the morning and after 6pm. Another not so good news is that I'm starting to have backache. Oh no, the 'joy' of being pregnant finally hits. It's affecting my sleep as well. Soon, I'll be so worn out that I will look like a haggard old lady. Pregnancy really does wear you off, and if you don't do something about it after giving birth, that's it. Most women just go physically downhill from there.

But having said that, I'm going to eat whatever I feel like eating.. yes, I'm using being pregnant as an excuse!! I'm so looking forward to my trip back to Malaysia soon. My first meal would be char kway teow at SS2!!!!

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