Saturday, January 24, 2009

8+ weeks update

Things were not too good for me the last month. I had been feeling sick almost everyday, thanks to the common problem most pregnant women experience ie morning sickness. It affected me the whole day. Initially I was hungry almost every couple of hours, then soon, when morning sickness became worse, I couldn't eat almost everything. Everything that I try to take in, I just feel worse, nothing helps.

Then just the last couple of days, miraculously, it got better. It was like within that hour when it all happened. The feeling was precisely that when you are sick from a fever and then your mind became clearer and you gain more energy. Perhaps it was also the ginger drink which hubby made for me. He also cooked some nice and healthy homecook food for me. So, it all got better since then. Praise the Lord and thank you for such a great husband.

Apparently ginger tea/ginger drink relieves nausea.

I haven't been going to gym as regularly before. Mainly because I was paranoid and I wasn't sure which exercise would be fine to perform. I am also waiting for my next appointment with an instructor to give me a new fitness regime. So meantime, I only do 20-30 minutes of brisk walking, chest, shoulder and back exercise. All however with a much lower weights than normal. But I am not satisfied at all. Doctor advised me not to get my body overheated as it's harmful for the baby. So, I haven't been sweating profusely like before for 2 months now. I feel so unhealthy.

To my pleasure, I found a few workout routine for pregnant women which I will be doing later on in my pregnancy. Here's to share with you the exercise workout that all pregnant women can follow.






Tuesday, January 20, 2009

One of the most bizarre revelation!

Like all routine prenatal check-ups, GP will submit all pregnant patients for blood and urine test. Blood test is mainly to test for blood group, rubella, STDs, Hepatitis B and C, full blood count and etc. Urine test is to check for UTI (urinary tract infection), protein and sugar (so as to make sure there's no problem with kidney and bladder).

I got all my initial results back whereby all results were normal and perfect within range except for 2 tests.

The first was my urine test which showed a high level of leukocytes which indicates UTI or some sort of an infection. However, if there really is infection, I would experience some obvious symptoms but I have none whatsoever. I consulted some medical people at work and they said to tak the test again because it depends on how you collect the urine sample. Probably that's why, it was the way I collected the urine sample.

The second test was more of a shock to me, as I found out that my blood group is O (which I've known all along) but Rhesus group negative!!! That's a BIG O NEGATIVE!!! It's just unbelievable!! Let me explain why.

All along, all my life, I thought I was positive. My whole family's blood group is O hence, I have no doubt that I am O, but according to my mum, both of them are positive. What people don't know is RH factor is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner which mean, both parents can be positive (but heterozygous for Dd) and 1/4 of the children will be negative because the child inherited the dd from the parents.

At first, I thought it was a blunder, a serious blunder. Mind you, the pathology who did the test is where I work!!! Then I went to another pathology to have it checked or re-confirm if you like.

So, today, I got back the report.

Urine test, perfectly fine. Doctor showed me how to collect the sample, well not literally but taught me at the doctor's room using the tap as an example. A mid-stream collection is what's needed and the way you collect them, is by letting the urine flow, and then put the jar in between to collect it. It's not the other way where you hold the jar, and then pee into it! Some people may know, but I don't. Quite silly I thought to myself. I should know. I'm in this field!!!

Then to my horror, my blood group has been confirmed as O negative!! It's just unbelievable. I don't even know where to start explaining that I am not negative!!

The whole irony is I actually did my masters research on RhD and I even used my own blood sample as controls. I used PCR and it clearly showed I am positive!! But, little does the laboratory know that there are so many RhDs, there's partial D,weak D and even del-D. I could be anyone of them and not just a plain NEGATIVE!!

Oh well, no need to fuss about it now. It's just a totally unexpected finding. Oh, if you don't know why I'm making such a big issue out of the rhesus factor, let me explain why.

All RhD negative mothers are posed with a problem if she's expecting a RhD positive baby. Placenta acts as a barrier between mother's red blood cells and baby's. If it's the first child, the baby will be safe and pregnancy can be carried to term. It's only when sensitising even occurs when baby's blood is mixed with mother's blood that the mother will then react to the D antigen from the baby. Sensitising event occurred mainly during labour, miscarriage, abortion, abdominal injury and even any medical intervention such as amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling.

Once sensitising occured, the initial immune response is primarily composed of IgM, a class of immunoglobulin of high molecular weight released into the blood early in the immune response. This is then replaced later by IgG of lower molecular weight which is produced after 8-10 weeks of secondary exposure, that is the 2nd or subsequent pregnancy. IgG includes the most common antibodies circulating in the bood, that facilitates phagocytic destruction of microorganisms foreign to the body. Ironically, IgG is the only class of immunoglobulin that can cross over the placenta from the mother to the fetus causing antibody-antigen reaction with the fetal blood.

In this case, the IgG produced by the maternal immune system will destroy fetus' red bood cells resulting in fetal anaemia (eg jaundice), erythroblastosis fetalis (eg brain damage)and if untreated, death of the baby.

Sounds scary, isn't it? But the good news is, there is intervention and help by injecting Anti-D which prevents sensitisation from happening hence the mother will not develop antibodies to attack baby's red blood cells.

So, since I can't convince my obstetrician that I am positive, I will have to submit myself to the unnecessary anti-D injection. Sigh, what a revelation only to be discovered at this point of my life.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Morning sickness

I've always thought I will be fine with pregnancy and hoped that I will cruise through pregnancy with ease. How wrong! Perhaps, I have never really vomitted, in my whole life probably on 2 accounts I can barely even remember. The point is, I seldom vomit and not much nausea in my whole life, so I cannot really fathom the real feeling during pregnancy. However, since the start of my pregnancy, I already had nausea and my morning sickness only got worse and there were days it were so bad that I literally felt so sick I hardly have the mood to do anything.

Up to now, I am so over nausea even the slightest hint of the feeling just makes it even more revolting. I know.. I am supposed to enjoy my pregnancy. I guess, this is the price to pay for being pregnant. 9 long months, gosh.. I hope my morning sickness will go away soon enough.

I've heard many stories about how pregnant women crave for certain food and how some food even the smell appeals to them even more than before. I guess, I understand why they feel that way now. Personally, it's not craving. It's just food which I reckon, will ease the nausea for example now I only want to take hot noodle soup and anything well, warm. It somehow just helps to soothe the discomfort my body is experiencing. So, it's not that I can't live without certain food, hence not the so-called cravings but rather something to help me feel better.

On another note, I have been eating like a famished animal. I get hungry literally every 2 hours. And then I realized this is going to be detrimental if I continue eating the amount I'm eating and at the rate I'm going. Instead, I started eating snacks like munching an apple, some mixed nuts, some cookies, some wholemeal bread with avocado spread (my favourite) and etc. It's so hard to get any hot food at work, as all they have to offer is pasta. I am so over pasta and it's not as yummy as kway teow soup, tom yum soup.. hm..

Today, Andrew said something which really is beyond my expectation and truly, I was surprised. He said he's actually looking forward to have the baby!! Oh... those words really melt my heart. From someone who was so adamant about not having kids and is put off even with the idea of having kids to utter these words, it's just amazing. How God can change things and soften one's heart. I was worried sick for nothing, afraid he can't cope with kids, afraid he will break down when the kids are so disobedient and so on.

Lesson to be learned from here is to totally submit to God and rely on Him. As children of God, we cannot be fearful about the future for we know that for those who love God, that is, for those who are called according to his purpose, all things will work together for good (Romans 8:28).

That's all the update for now.

Monday, January 12, 2009

First glimpse of my baby

What an exciting day! It was my dating scan and although I know I'm exactly 7 weeks today, it's probably still very early for dating scan. But I wanted it to be this week so that my sister gets to see the tiny baby before she leaves for Malaysia. It's recommended 8 weeks for dating scan therefore, the dating will be a little inaccurate I assume.

Boy or girl, it's my least worry. It was such an overwhelming experience to see my tiny baby and knowing that his or her heart is beating. It's amazing that you feel as though you are able to sacrifice everything for your own child, even though you haven't even known the baby. Even my husband is beginning to comprehend the impact this baby will have in our lives.

I think I will be a crazy mummy, one who adores her own children like anything. Anyway, I had the scan and Andrew was beside me. I couldn't even tell what's on the computer yet he nodded as if fully understood what the pictures showed when the sonographer explained to us. He was probably in a disbelief state seeing his own child, so tiny so fragile. How can a tiny little thing grow into a human being? What marvelous creation of God! Who can think of such thing? I cannot believe there are atheists in the world! Pathetic people!

We were told, there's only 1, of course, I don't think we can handle two or more babies at any time. It measures roughly about 6mm. Apparently, I ovulated on my left ovary, hence the yolk sac on the left side of my uterus. Everything is fine, although I may be a little too early for the scan. But it's alright, the second scan will adjust the dates and biochemistry accordingly.

Just to fill your curiosity and of course, for my keepsake, I scanned the image to share with you all. There are 2 cross signs if you can see which indicates the whole length of the baby.

(click on the picture to see a clearer image)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Private or Public

Soon after I found out that I am pregnant, my next step is to decide whether to deliver my baby in a private or public hospital. Little did I realize, what a decision to make.

There are lots of factors to consider. Although I would like to think of myself as healthy and I truly believe there will not be much of a complication as my mum had not experience any complications at all with the three of us. Well, they say it's something to do with genetic although I have not known any gene which account for smooth delivery.

Anyway, I have sort of made up my mind to go to a private hospital partly because I have a private health fund which I have been paying like sky-high every month. This private health fund covers accommodation which is a major part of the expenses. Then the other part of the expenses are the obstetrician fees. Apparently, the patient has to choose from a list of obstetricians and then book them way in advance or else, all the good ones will not be available. Goes to show that it's important to find out about your pregnancy as soon as possible. In Australia, medicare pays for 80% of the expenses if it hits the gap. Well, a bit too complicated to explain now but basically, I am paying probably bout 1-2 K for the delivery if it's a vaginal delivery.

Since my lab has some affiliation with the hospital I'm going to, my boss was kind enough to recommend some good and kind obstetrician. The doctor that I've finally decided on apparently charges more reasonably than other female doctors of which the reason the latter doctors are doing so is because there aren't many female obstetricians around, so they are very high in demand.

The hospital that I'm going to is North Shore Private Hospital or in short NSPH. Another reason for choosing a private hospital is that I was told by some friends should I face complication, I will need a good obstetrician, else in public hospital, without your own obstetrician, they will place a somewhat more junior doctor to be in charge of me. That's a pretty scary thought, although I don't know how true and reliable that is.

It's funny that, I've always thought that going to a private hospital is unnecessary and probably over-rated. I thought there should definitely be some good doctors in public hospital. How things changed when you are going through pregnancy yourself. My trust is so frail when I'm facing pregnancy now.

So, for now, I'm basically all set with the bookings and appointments. My next step is to wait for my first scan ie dating scan on the the 12th.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lean not on your own understanding

Yesterday, we went to a farm house for a gathering to farewell a couple who's going back to Singapore for good. I wasn't sure if I wanted to break the news to EVERYONE else the attention will be so embarrasing although a couple of them knew about it.

Anyway, we had barbeque and I told hubby beforehand that I cannot take raw meat as they may contain salmonella which is harmful to the baby. Hence, he has to tell the host to cook it in the oven specially for me. From there, everyone got to know I AM pregnant and everyone congratulated me and etc.. I still had some reservations about telling the whole world so early but I guess today's sermon really spoke to me.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" ~ Proverbs 3:5.

Trust in the Lord that He will help the baby grow healthily to full term (Technically, we should be using the word 'fetus' and not baby but I think my baby is a person hence I'd like to call my baby, baby!).

I am almost a very careful person and I cannot remember the last time I tripped or fall a hard fall. Guess what, I fell at the barbeque!! Everyone was almost panicking but thank God, I supported myself using my hand. Also, because I am a dancer, dancers know how to fall down correctly. Hence, I am pretty sure the baby's fine.

Two days ago, I committed the worst sin ever for a pregnant woman. I was so foolish and ignorant that I ate brie cheese. Hubby already suggested I don't take cheese but I completely ignored him! Cheese such as Brie, Camembert and Danish Blue should be avoided as they are prone for bacteria growth which is listeria and is really harmful to the baby. Yet, I was eating it away happily thinking 'geez, this is a great source of calcium!' How foolish!!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" ~ Proverbs 3:5.

Again, the verse above spoke to me especially the latter part. I was totally ignorant and thought I knew it all, but I obviously my judgment was flawed. I can only pray that God be merciful and gracious to us and grant us both good health throughout the whole pregnancy.

Yesterday, I spoke to my sister in law who advised me not to climb the stairs too much. Unfortunately, I live above a double garage, so I have no choice but to climb the stairs everydays. Everyday, I thank God and give Him praise that I don't have any spotting/bleeding.

After church today, I went with my sister for a long walk around the city. It was tiring but I didn't feel any pregnancy symptom. Personally, I'd prefer to have some symptoms so that I know the baby is growing and is still there. But in all situation, I will praise the Lord.

Ok, that's about the update for now. Adios!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Holding onto God's promise

Negative thoughts plagued my mind yesterday. Suddenly, the thought of losing my baby through miscarriage was so strong that I was constantly checking on my symptoms every 5 minutes, was my breast hurting, was I feeling nauseous, any pain from the stomach?

Somehow, yesterday was symptom free which worsen my fear. The only thing I should look out for should I miscarry, is bleeding, but there was nothing close to that, so far everything was perfectly normal. This led to feel that the satan is obviously threatened by this baby and is envious with this gift. Surely the devil doesn't want another child who will worship the Lord, who will grow up fearing the Lord, hence the devil is planting all these thoughts in my mind.

Therefore, I cannot succumb to the devil's scheme. I should know better. Thanks to my aunt who prayed for me over the phone, to denounce these thoughts and to hold on to God's promise. My best friend, YLi also told me that "if the Lord has given a baby to us, He'll protect the baby even at sperm and egg stage until his gray hair days". Amen, and I shall claim that promise!

Still, the weak human of me couldn't sustain the confidence and comfort that was given to me from God. Today, I heard from a friend that his wife had bleeding/spotting on and off at 6-7 weeks and just did a D&C. I am not even 6 weeks and the next stage of my baby's growth is the heartbeat. So, that isn't something I want to go through.

Alright, so this is when faith is testing.

Anyway, as I should be doing, I called up the hospital to book for my first hospital visit, which I don’t even know what it’s all about. Apparently it will be a two hour session with a midwife, so what do we do there? I have no idea.

The hospital then told me to book an appointment for ultrasound. I called and was then told that I should basically have 3 scans;

1. Dating Scan – to determine fetal heartbeat and date the fetal’s age basically. This will then determine the right time to do the follow-up scan. This however is done if the last menstrual date (LMP) or the first day of your last period was not known or unreliable. So for my case, this scan is a total WASTE of money as I’m 101% sure of my LMP. I can even tell my sonographer my conception date if she wants, because there were only 2 dates! Ok, kids don’t let your mind wander away. Back to serious topic.

This scan cost ~ $190, medicate rebatable $50.

2. Nuchal Translucency (NT) Scan – In Australia, this is compulsory for all health providers to advise pregnant women to undergo this scan. This is basically done in the first trimester or to be precise between 10-13 weeks and is used in conjunction with blood test/maternal serum biochemistry. This scan is important to identify Down Syndrome. According to my friend whose wife has had experience giving birth in Malaysia, scan was done almost every month to check on the baby. However, according to my boss, serum biochemistry screen done serially is a better predictor of baby’s wellbeing.

This scan cost ~ $390, medicate rebatable $90.

3. Morphology Scan – This is basically done in second trimester; 14 – 20 weeks in conjunction with a triple test (the use of 3 markers hence the name triple test) ie blood test. This is mainly designed as a risk estimate for Down Syndrome and certain chromosomal abnormalities, such as neural tube defects, spina bifida, trisomy 21 and trisomy 18.

This scan cost ~ $(not too sure, gotta check this one out).

So, I’ve basically booked for my first hospital visit for now and will try booking for ultrasound next week. That’s about the update for now.

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