Wednesday, August 26, 2009

39 weeks now and more prezzies for baby

Last Thursday was my last day of week. It was so overwhelming for me partly because I wasn't sure if I was going to go back to work and also working for 5 years in the same company, there's got to be some emotional attachment.

Anyway, my great bunch of colleagues gave me a farewell dinner and of course some gifts for the baby too. I was so excited and thrilled when I saw the gifts especially the baby gym which I've been looking for one.

I'm almost there now and everyday I'm just anticipating for baby's birthday. I hope she will be born in September though and ideally, the first would be best. Although 09/09/09 seems perfect but she'll be sharing birthday with me, not that I'm not delighted at all, but there are several reasons why I don't think it's a good idea.
1. She'll be a week late (my mum can't wait too long here as she needs to head home by the end of Sept).
2. I don't want to put my child in a situation in the future where she has to decide whether to spend her birthday with mum or with her special someone or her friends. I want her to be free and make decisions such as this without any guilt feeling. (sigh, I know, I think too far ahead).

But nevertheless, I'm going to leave it to God and let her arrive whenever she's ready.

Alrighty, physically I'm fine except since last week, my hands and feet are bloated. I've not had any swollen hands nor feet until then but suddenly, my wedding ring felt tight in my fourth finger that I had to take it off.

Blood pressure is still perfect and weight gain stands at 15kg.

I am, however worried about IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction) although I'm sure my OB would have picked it up. Reason for this fear was I didn't think my tummy was as large as it should be for most women during last couple of weeks of pregnancy. Then again, my weight gain was pretty constant so that should alleviate my fear.

Anyway, a good friend graciously took a maternity picture of me and it was so wonderful to see how tummy was different now from 2nd trimester.

At Second trimester (photos courtesy of Leanne Sim)
At Third trimester (photos courtesy of Leanne Sim)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Baby's first gift

Got back to work on Wednesday after taking a day off on Tuesday. Had a great afternoon nap, all that I needed to recover from a few days of sleepless nights.
Anyway, got to work and was 10 minutes late, only to be called into the office by my boss. To my surprise, he handed me a bag of gifts for the baby, from his daughter.
I have possibly the best boss in the world, and we are so close to him that he's always inviting us to his home for a BBQ with his wife and children.

And because his daughter just had a baby a few months back, I thought I'd seek some advise from her of which we quickly became friends. Hence, the gifts! It was so very nice and kind of her.

I think I am more thrilled than anything to receive new things for the baby, especially the toys! Baby's been having all hand-me-downs so far, so it's nice to have something new once in a while. =)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

36 weeks update

Again, been having lots of Braxton-Hicks contraction. I also notice the tummy is moving further down, probably means baby's engaging and preparing for labour. I've been having sleepless nights again, but I guess it's because of the excitement and fear that labour could be anytime. I hate the feeling of anticipation. No wonder people opt for C-section. It's easier for everyone, and you know exactly when baby's coming. You can even choose the best date and time for the baby to come into the world.

But that's not the point, you see. I like everything to take its natural course. Baby will arrive in her own time, and I'd like to see how and when she chooses to arrive.

I have a serious dilemma though, epidural or not?

Well, first stop, epidural is also painful, insertion of needle and when the anaesthetic wears off, you still feel the pain, regardless. So why pay so much to, well... still feel the pain. Probably you can rest when you're on epidural and you can be spared from the 8-12 hours of pain during contraction and dilation, but ultimately you still need to push the baby out!

How I wish there's no option. Surely people tend to lean towards the easier option. If I want epidural, I might as well go for C-section! Anyway, my mum always say I have a very high level of pain treshold. But I'm not sure about now. I've learnt to love myself more and more each day. I might chicken out last minute and just go for epidural.

Oh baby, please be good to mummy!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Latest baby's position

Just saw my OB today and have confirmed that baby's position is left lateral-posterior. Ob also mentioned that there's nothing we can do with the position because baby's constantly moving and trying to engage her head in the cervix. Oh well, we can only pray for a smooth delivery. Oh yeah, Ob also said there's a huge difference between anterior and posterior position, as much difference as a vaginal birth and a C-section.

A posterior position will mean a longer birth, unfortunately. =(

Pray pray pray for me please!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Packing my hospital bag

I've been gaining weight steadily, currently weight stands at 13kg, which is perfect as I've only 1 more month to go. Blood pressure's perfect too, and has been 100/60 all throughout pregnancy.

Anyway, I was talking some new mums, basically fishing for advice and I've been reminded again to start packing my bag, cuz I'll never know when baby's coming.

So, finally I've done it a few days ago and here's the list:

For Me

  • Birth plan – in case they ask
  • Personal details – medicare Card, HCF customer number, antenatal card
  • Clothes
o Pyjamas – sarongs (x2), pants, baggy t-shirts, front button shorts
o Inner garments – undies, maternity feeding bras (x2), usual bra
o Check out from hospital – dress?
o Thick socks
o Towel
o Face towel (x2)
o Hot water bottle
o Sweater/warm jacket
  • Toiletries
o Shampoo, soap, comb, toothbrush & toothpaste, deodorant, powder, elastic band,
skin care products, small packet of tissue, plastic bag for dirty laundry, make up

  • Essentials
o Breast pads, sanitary pads, nipple cream, slipper

  • Notepad and pen
  • Snacks – lollies/biscuits

For Andrew
  • Change of clothes – shirt, pants, pyjamas, underwear, etcBulleted List
  • Snacks
  • Movies – Boston Legal
  • PS2
  • Laptop

For missy
  • Car Seat
  • Outfit for trip home
  • Baby blanket
  • Receiving blanket
  • Nappies, wipes
  • Socks, mittens, hat
  • Muslin wraps
  • Toiletries
o Shampoo (J&J), Bath (Top to Toe), Baby's lotion, Baby's oil, Powder, Cotton buds,
Cotton wool, pacifier

Last minute items
  • Mobile phone
  • Camera/charger
  • Hair dryer
  • Handbag
I know, you must think I'm packing like I'm going for holiday! haha.. well, I get to stay at this very expensive hospital, with my own room for 5 days. Best of all, my private health fund pays for the accommodation, so what the heck! I'm going to enjoy my stay there as long as I can.
Hopefully I don't miss anything.

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