Wednesday, August 26, 2009

39 weeks now and more prezzies for baby

Last Thursday was my last day of week. It was so overwhelming for me partly because I wasn't sure if I was going to go back to work and also working for 5 years in the same company, there's got to be some emotional attachment.

Anyway, my great bunch of colleagues gave me a farewell dinner and of course some gifts for the baby too. I was so excited and thrilled when I saw the gifts especially the baby gym which I've been looking for one.

I'm almost there now and everyday I'm just anticipating for baby's birthday. I hope she will be born in September though and ideally, the first would be best. Although 09/09/09 seems perfect but she'll be sharing birthday with me, not that I'm not delighted at all, but there are several reasons why I don't think it's a good idea.
1. She'll be a week late (my mum can't wait too long here as she needs to head home by the end of Sept).
2. I don't want to put my child in a situation in the future where she has to decide whether to spend her birthday with mum or with her special someone or her friends. I want her to be free and make decisions such as this without any guilt feeling. (sigh, I know, I think too far ahead).

But nevertheless, I'm going to leave it to God and let her arrive whenever she's ready.

Alrighty, physically I'm fine except since last week, my hands and feet are bloated. I've not had any swollen hands nor feet until then but suddenly, my wedding ring felt tight in my fourth finger that I had to take it off.

Blood pressure is still perfect and weight gain stands at 15kg.

I am, however worried about IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction) although I'm sure my OB would have picked it up. Reason for this fear was I didn't think my tummy was as large as it should be for most women during last couple of weeks of pregnancy. Then again, my weight gain was pretty constant so that should alleviate my fear.

Anyway, a good friend graciously took a maternity picture of me and it was so wonderful to see how tummy was different now from 2nd trimester.

At Second trimester (photos courtesy of Leanne Sim)
At Third trimester (photos courtesy of Leanne Sim)



So baby is gonna be here anytime soon. Yeah, agree with your 2nd reasoning. I'm very particular on the birth date of my children too. But it's all God's plan.

God bless you and baby. Have a safe delivery.

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