Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's due! Time for eviction!

I am due this week and still, baby's not wanting to come out. Asked my doctor if we can induce but he said he'd rather leave it naturally and wait for 7 more days. Oh gosh..

Anyway, had a little scare last night. As I was washing dishes, I felt a gush of water leaking and I was all soaked (Sorry for the gross detail). I was all panicky and excited at the same time and yelled out "Oh no, my water just broke!!".

Immediately, my husband jumped off the couch and yelled out equally loud "OH NO... it's happening tonight". It was darn hilarious, if only I could film his expression!

Anyway, the leaking stopped and I called the hospital for advise. I was told to watch out for more leakings in order to be checked into the birthing suite, but surprisingly, it stopped. All dry, no more leaking, no pain, no nothing. How bizarre! Oh well, as I did some research, it could be:

1. Baby's head pushing further down that I couldn't control my bladder, hence the pee and not amniotic fluid,
2. There's probably a small hole in the sac that contributes to the small amount of leaking.

Anyway, I really want baby to come today. I guess, I shall wash the car later or scrub the floor!


Jin Lian

CONGRATULATIONS Sarah and Andrew, enjoy!

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