Wednesday, July 29, 2009

35 weeks

I'm 35 weeks this week. Been having Braxton-Hicks contraction on and off. It feels particularly weird when baby kicks too hard and you can actually feel her feet. It's amazing how I can actually play with her. She doesn't seem to like it when I try to move/touch my belly button, as it probably pulls the umbilical cord. She will try to move around and shift her position, although she can't really do that anymore.

Her head is still at the constant position, ie at the bottom.

I have been trying to figure out what position is baby in.

Below are a few which I know is definite but couldn't figure out which out of the three. Baby's feet is kicking on top of my right rib and baby's been having hiccups everyday, and I can feel it at the bottom near my pubic area, which is how I was sure baby's head's down, ready for labour soon.

Left Posterior

Left Lateral

Left Anterior

Apparently, the best position for labour is anterior as labour is nearly always shorter and easier if the baby is anterior.

If baby is in posterior position,
  • Your waters are more likely to break at the beginning of labour.
  • You have a lot of backache during and in between contractions.
  • Labour is slower.
  • You may need forceps to help you give birth to your baby.
Baby's been having hiccups everyday and everytime, it last about 5-10 minutes. At first it was quite annoying, it feels like very strong heartbeat and it just distracts you from working. But when I learnt that it all indicates baby's lung is developing and preparing itself to function when baby comes out, I was okay with it. Meaning to say, baby needs to hiccup.

Alrighty, that's all for now. Dinner time!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Preparation for baby's arrival

God has truly been faithful and good to us. Slowly but surely, friends are passing us baby stuffs which means, there's really not much for us to spend on. Personally, I think it's a waste of money to buy brand new stuffs for baby although of course, it's always nice to have new things.

I have been spending minimally on baby. Even maternity clothes are hand-me-downs. I only had to buy a couple of pants and inner garments, but that's really it. It's winter now and I've been wearing hubby's warm jacket everywhere I go. I didn't feel the need to be fanciful with clothings, so didn't bother to get nice maternity clothings.

Our church members and friends have been really gracious and kind to us to pass us most of the essentials. So, we are forever grateful and thankful. Some of things we've collected so far are:

1. Avent milk bottles and teethers

2. Milk bottle sterilizer

3. Changing table

4. Stroller

5. Baby's bag and clothings

6. Baby's feeding chair (for later use, given to us by our landlord's daughter and is currently stored in our landlord's home). It looks something like this and is also brand new,

7. Bassinette
Not sure how it looks like as we will be getting them later on. A basinette is basically this:

7. Baby's bed
Bought the mattress and bed sets from Ikea during its half-year clearance sale. But I guess, it's a little too big for baby. Perhaps, I will only use it when baby's slightly older.

8. Baby's capsule
Got this from Salvos for only 8 bucks! How cool is that? Since baby only uses capsules until they are about 6 months old, I thought I'd just make do with this one and get a car seat for her later on.

Since we haven't got a new place, there won't be any baby room, unfortunately. I do envy friends who specially dedicated a room for their newborn baby, with all the nice little baby trinkets, furnitures and etc. Oh well, I'm thrilled regardless with baby's arrival, which will be soon, very soon =)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

33 weeks

Lately, growth has been tremendous that I've been having rib pain on my left side 3 days in a row now. I'm carrying the baby high (usually a girl, so they say as opposed to carrying low, which is a boy). The uterus/baby is pushing against my rib and so I find it extremely hard to sneeze or cough or laugh even. I don't know how long this will last but it seems nothing I do eases the pain. Thank God however, I slept well last night by just sleeping on my right.

I am getting impatient now, I'm so anxious to have baby out. But I've got to be patient. I pray against any problems that might cause harm to the baby or having to deliver baby prematurely.

This is such an exciting time.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

32 weeks and counting

Other than the fact that I catch cold quite easily these days, pregnancy has been enjoyable.

Current weight gain stands at 11.5kg. From my latest scan, baby has gained more weight as can tell from her rounded face. I am so excited that she looks more like Andrew ie she inherited his nose (which I'm most glad) and his mouth (not too glad). haha! Still, it has a nice shape!

She's been been very active and I have to watch out for movements every other minute as I have some concerns after I saw the scan. The umbilical cord was wrapping around her neck although Doppler ultrasound (use to measure blood flow in this instance, the umbilical cord) shows the cord was just resting on her neck and not AROUND her neck. Still, if her movements and growth are causing the cord to restrict around her neck, I'm afraid she'll suffocate.. oh dear God. Please see to this matter!

Over the past month, tummy has been growing so fast and when I finally look at my tummy in the mirror one day, I was amazed at how big my tummy was. I am glad I haven't put on weight on any other part of my body, just the tummy and a little in my bum and thigh. Breast wise, hm, I think it only grew half a cup to my disappointment. But amazingly, I am starting to leak milk or rather colostrum (as milk only comes after delivery). So, there you go, the amount of breastmilk does not correlate with the size of the breast. Anyone, can breastfeed!

Sleeping has been difficult. Though my sleep has been cut short every time I make a trip to the loo in the middle of the night, I have had good quality sleep. Never once baby wakes me up with her hyperactive movement and strong kicks. When I try to lie very still, she thinks I'm asleep, so she doesn't move, but the moment I start moving, she will be kicking non-stop. At times, I'm so sure I can feel her tiny fingers scraping the wall of my tummy. It is so hilarious!

Here are some of her latest scan photos:

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