Thursday, August 6, 2009

Latest baby's position

Just saw my OB today and have confirmed that baby's position is left lateral-posterior. Ob also mentioned that there's nothing we can do with the position because baby's constantly moving and trying to engage her head in the cervix. Oh well, we can only pray for a smooth delivery. Oh yeah, Ob also said there's a huge difference between anterior and posterior position, as much difference as a vaginal birth and a C-section.

A posterior position will mean a longer birth, unfortunately. =(

Pray pray pray for me please!



Will do!
Here's something fun/for a laugh to do if you're up to it, even if it's unscientific! Dig a hole in the sand at the local beach, to fit belly. Lie face down. Best done on a sunshiny day, even in winter :) J

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