First glimpse of my baby
What an exciting day! It was my dating scan and although I know I'm exactly 7 weeks today, it's probably still very early for dating scan. But I wanted it to be this week so that my sister gets to see the tiny baby before she leaves for Malaysia. It's recommended 8 weeks for dating scan therefore, the dating will be a little inaccurate I assume.
Boy or girl, it's my least worry. It was such an overwhelming experience to see my tiny baby and knowing that his or her heart is beating. It's amazing that you feel as though you are able to sacrifice everything for your own child, even though you haven't even known the baby. Even my husband is beginning to comprehend the impact this baby will have in our lives.
I think I will be a crazy mummy, one who adores her own children like anything. Anyway, I had the scan and Andrew was beside me. I couldn't even tell what's on the computer yet he nodded as if fully understood what the pictures showed when the sonographer explained to us. He was probably in a disbelief state seeing his own child, so tiny so fragile. How can a tiny little thing grow into a human being? What marvelous creation of God! Who can think of such thing? I cannot believe there are atheists in the world! Pathetic people!
We were told, there's only 1, of course, I don't think we can handle two or more babies at any time. It measures roughly about 6mm. Apparently, I ovulated on my left ovary, hence the yolk sac on the left side of my uterus. Everything is fine, although I may be a little too early for the scan. But it's alright, the second scan will adjust the dates and biochemistry accordingly.
Just to fill your curiosity and of course, for my keepsake, I scanned the image to share with you all. There are 2 cross signs if you can see which indicates the whole length of the baby.
(click on the picture to see a clearer image)
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