It's been confirmed!!
I am feeling absolutely ecstatic.. probably in euphoric state now!
I went to the doctor yesterday to confirm if I'm pregnant and the doctor just said plainly "No doubt about it!"
1. I didn't have any spotting at all.. and I found out that spotting is the exception and not the rule for being pregnant.
2. No changes of appetite, I can still eat if I want to, and not eat if I don't want to.
3. No cravings or whatsoever, thank God because I don't want to gain anymore weight than I should.
4. I do have some discomfort in the abdomen and according to the doctor, my womb is adjusting itself to support the growing embryo.
5. My morning sickness (atypical to be called morning sickness because nausea happens throughout the day) is bearable but is worse when I'm hungry.
6. Today particularly was bad as I can feel my tiredness almost consumed all of me. I couldn't concentrate at work, and I yawn every 5 minutes! Still, tiredness is normal in pregnancy.
7. My breast has started to sore since the last few days. It was pretty bad that I couldn't even touch it!
All in all, I am coping well at 5 weeks now and I hope it will remain so for the rest of the pregnancy.
I was told by my best friend to eat well.. hence I am making sure I do so. On top of normal diet, I am figuring out what supplements to take. According to my doctor, any supplement that says for pregnancy and breast-feeding should be safe to take.
The brand I'm taking is Enervite: Pregnancy & Breast Feeding Super Gold but I know the increasingly popular brand of late is Elevite though it's on a pricey side. So, I settled for something more affordable.
On top of the multi-vitamin, I am also taking Fish Oil because I read that Fish Oil is excellent for baby's brain development, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, CoQ10 and Calcium. Only the latter is included in the multivitamin, but I believe the total doses are still alright.
I have so much planning to do and I just don't know where to start. Gotta book for first trimester check-up with the hospital and ultrasound. Just at work today, I thought about getting ready some baby's stuffs. I guess I have to go back to Malaysia and get my niece's clothes!
Something strange happened, when I found out that I'm pregnant though. I didn't have the urge to find out the baby's sex! I can check for my baby's sex myself at 9-10 weeks (ar... if you don't already know, I'm a scientist!) although normal ultrasound can only reveal baby's sex at 18-20 weeks. Still, I didn't have the urge nor desire at all to find out. Before I wanted to but now, what is more important is that I want a healthy baby. Part of the reason was also because I wanted it to be a surprise and I don't want people to start making judgement if they know I have a girl or a boy! A surprise it shall be, so don't bother asking me later on if it's a boy or a girl!
Hubby is taking the news pretty well, and he knows he needs to be prepared and go through this period with me. I am so proud of him. I am so looking forward to be a mummy, but a parent, not quite yet!