Friday, December 26, 2008

A baby changes everything

I couldn't believe it still, it will take a while for me to accept this news. The first test gave a pretty light and feint band, but the test I took a day after clearly showed a stronger band.

I reckon I should go to the doctor to confirm, and probably start making an appointment for my first trimester test and ultrasound!!! have no idea how I am feeling right now. I haven't been sleeping well because I'm way too excited.. I feel like screaming now! I know I know.. compose myself... *clearing my throat*...

I guess, this is the best Christmas news for me. I remembered saying in my other blog earlier this year, that 2008/2009 will be an exciting year for me and truly, the faith and belief has come to pass. Another thing which I realize is, God is pleased when we honour our words.. For this I meant, my husband. He is a man of his words and he keeps his promise. I on the other end, trusted him for giving me his words and submitted to his request. I can truly feel that God is pleased and hence, the baby as the gift.

On a different note, the church were shown a video clip as part of the Christmas message. I thought I'd share it with you all..

A Baby Changes Everything - Faith Hill

Teenage girl, much too young
Unprepared for what’s to come
A baby changes everything

Not a ring
On her hand
All her dreams and all her plans
A baby changes everything
A baby changes everything

The man she loves she’s never touched
How will she Keep his trust
A baby changes everything
A baby changes everything

And she cries, oh she cries

She has to leave, go far away
Heaven knows she can’t stay
A baby changes everything

She can feel it’s coming soon
There’s no place, there’s no room
A baby changes everything
A baby changes everything

And she cries and she cries oh she cries

Shepherds all gather round …
Star shines down…

Choir of Angels say
Glory to the newborn king
A baby changes everything, A baby changes everything, everything,
everything, every day Hallelujah

My whole life is turned around
I was lost and now I’m found
A baby changes everything
A baby changes everything


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