Monday, December 29, 2008

It's been confirmed!!

I am feeling absolutely ecstatic.. probably in euphoric state now!

I went to the doctor yesterday to confirm if I'm pregnant and the doctor just said plainly "No doubt about it!"

Just some updates on symptoms:

1. I didn't have any spotting at all.. and I found out that spotting is the exception and not the rule for being pregnant.
2. No changes of appetite, I can still eat if I want to, and not eat if I don't want to.
3. No cravings or whatsoever, thank God because I don't want to gain anymore weight than I should.
4. I do have some discomfort in the abdomen and according to the doctor, my womb is adjusting itself to support the growing embryo.
5. My morning sickness (atypical to be called morning sickness because nausea happens throughout the day) is bearable but is worse when I'm hungry.
6. Today particularly was bad as I can feel my tiredness almost consumed all of me. I couldn't concentrate at work, and I yawn every 5 minutes! Still, tiredness is normal in pregnancy.
7. My breast has started to sore since the last few days. It was pretty bad that I couldn't even touch it!

All in all, I am coping well at 5 weeks now and I hope it will remain so for the rest of the pregnancy.

I was told by my best friend to eat well.. hence I am making sure I do so. On top of normal diet, I am figuring out what supplements to take. According to my doctor, any supplement that says for pregnancy and breast-feeding should be safe to take.

The brand I'm taking is Enervite: Pregnancy & Breast Feeding Super Gold but I know the increasingly popular brand of late is Elevite though it's on a pricey side. So, I settled for something more affordable.

On top of the multi-vitamin, I am also taking Fish Oil because I read that Fish Oil is excellent for baby's brain development, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, CoQ10 and Calcium. Only the latter is included in the multivitamin, but I believe the total doses are still alright.

I have so much planning to do and I just don't know where to start. Gotta book for first trimester check-up with the hospital and ultrasound. Just at work today, I thought about getting ready some baby's stuffs. I guess I have to go back to Malaysia and get my niece's clothes!

Something strange happened, when I found out that I'm pregnant though. I didn't have the urge to find out the baby's sex! I can check for my baby's sex myself at 9-10 weeks (ar... if you don't already know, I'm a scientist!) although normal ultrasound can only reveal baby's sex at 18-20 weeks. Still, I didn't have the urge nor desire at all to find out. Before I wanted to but now, what is more important is that I want a healthy baby. Part of the reason was also because I wanted it to be a surprise and I don't want people to start making judgement if they know I have a girl or a boy! A surprise it shall be, so don't bother asking me later on if it's a boy or a girl!

Hubby is taking the news pretty well, and he knows he needs to be prepared and go through this period with me. I am so proud of him. I am so looking forward to be a mummy, but a parent, not quite yet!

Friday, December 26, 2008

A baby changes everything

I couldn't believe it still, it will take a while for me to accept this news. The first test gave a pretty light and feint band, but the test I took a day after clearly showed a stronger band.

I reckon I should go to the doctor to confirm, and probably start making an appointment for my first trimester test and ultrasound!!! have no idea how I am feeling right now. I haven't been sleeping well because I'm way too excited.. I feel like screaming now! I know I know.. compose myself... *clearing my throat*...

I guess, this is the best Christmas news for me. I remembered saying in my other blog earlier this year, that 2008/2009 will be an exciting year for me and truly, the faith and belief has come to pass. Another thing which I realize is, God is pleased when we honour our words.. For this I meant, my husband. He is a man of his words and he keeps his promise. I on the other end, trusted him for giving me his words and submitted to his request. I can truly feel that God is pleased and hence, the baby as the gift.

On a different note, the church were shown a video clip as part of the Christmas message. I thought I'd share it with you all..

A Baby Changes Everything - Faith Hill

Teenage girl, much too young
Unprepared for what’s to come
A baby changes everything

Not a ring
On her hand
All her dreams and all her plans
A baby changes everything
A baby changes everything

The man she loves she’s never touched
How will she Keep his trust
A baby changes everything
A baby changes everything

And she cries, oh she cries

She has to leave, go far away
Heaven knows she can’t stay
A baby changes everything

She can feel it’s coming soon
There’s no place, there’s no room
A baby changes everything
A baby changes everything

And she cries and she cries oh she cries

Shepherds all gather round …
Star shines down…

Choir of Angels say
Glory to the newborn king
A baby changes everything, A baby changes everything, everything,
everything, every day Hallelujah

My whole life is turned around
I was lost and now I’m found
A baby changes everything
A baby changes everything

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sheer exhilaration

I was having mixed feelings all throughout the week. I don't even know what I was supposed to be feeling. Part of me wants to get pregnant, part of me was sceptical, part of me didn't want to put such high hopes and part of me was thrilled should I be pregnant and etc.. etc... etc....

I was waiting for my period to be due, which is TODAY in order to take a home pregnancy test. I was very hesitant and thought to myself, perhaps I should wait for another week. Because by then, I will know, I AM REALLY pregnant, because of all the things happening. Then again, something prompted me to test.

Apart from the most inherent sign being nauseous, I was also tired. I didn't sleep well at all last night, despite feeling absolutely sluggish lately at work and by the time I come home, I was all spent! This is very unlikely and I notice the changes in me. So last night, I had a dream. I dreamt that I tested for pregnancy and it was positive. In my dream, I was absolutely thrilled and overjoyed! When I woke up, I felt very encouraged, then again, my lack of faith prevailed. I doubted but I have asked the Lord to help me with my faith, as I needed His strength and courage.

Hence, I was still battling within myself, to test or not to test as I walked to the bathroom (which is 10 steps away) in the morning. Morning urine contains the highest amount of hCG hormone, so I thought, maybe I should just go ahead with it.

So, I took the test.. 15 or 20 seconds passed, I saw how the absorption was happening and it reached the negative line (darker red), no.. the positive line (pink) was before the negative line. If it's positive, shouldn't the pink line be showing now? Still nothing.. I felt an immediate discouragement,'s alright, I said, praise the Lord.... then I read the instruction note again, it said to only start looking at the result between 3-10 minutes. Alright, let's just take a quick shower and see how it goes... it probably took me about 5 minutes but I think I lost count of the time.

As I stepped out of the shower, I took a look at the strip.. and this was what I saw..

My jaw literally dropped ! I cannot believe it, is this for real? Is it a true band or a false band? Could it have showed because of evaporation? I wish someone can confirm so I don't have to test another time. Pregnancy test kit is not really that cheap, you know? Oh.. I still was shocked although I have expected it.. still, this is unbelievable! This also proved that my symptoms corroborated with this pregnancy result.

I couldn't concentrate at work. I casually told my husband, and he as expected wanted me to double confirm it! It was also Christmas eve, and I was absolutely thrilled. This could be the best Christmas gift, EVER! I got home later (my boss actually let us off early) and I confirmed with my sister. She also said, it looks like it's positive. Surprisingly, no one believed that I may actually be PREGNANT!

Oh well, let's see how it goes for another week. I think we need time for reality to sink in. It's still unbelievable although not impossible that I AM pregnant.. gosh, I am PREGNANT! ok... I better not dwell in this, else I collapse in excitement!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Is it just me or my mind?

This should be the end of week 3, should I be pregnant. I started feeling a little bit queasy 3 days ago and everyday since, in an on and off period. Initially, I thought perhaps, I was hungry, then I ate but the feeling still came back even after I had food. So, what is it?

The feeling isn't as nauseous as it could be, still bearable. By this time, I would be experiencing abdominal pain indicating the coming of my next period, but I don't really have that pain.

Some say, I would be experiencing abdominal cramp, which is very similar to period pain if I'm pregnant. Hm... I can only wonder!

Oh well, that's my latest update.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Week 3

Having done a reproductive health course for my masters degree, I have to admit that I am still not fully certain that what I studied is helpful since I am experiencing pregnancy myself. How ironic!

Based on what I know and what I've read from many websites, one has to determine what stage of pregnancy they are at and also most importantly know what their EDD (expected date of delivery) is. Note that I am writing all these assuming, I am pregnant.

So, should I be pregnant now, theoretically I am 3 weeks pregnant.

Weeks 1 and 2 are mostly consumed with ovulation and fertilization process. So, realistically, one is not pregnant, but they still count this as part of the pregnancy term.

Week 3 is thereby implantation stage.

Week 4 is when I should be expecting my period but I should miss it, should I be pregnant.

Let's focus on week 3 for now.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I have been experiencing some feeling from my tummy. Perhaps, I am too paranoid and I really am watching out for any feeling that I may encounter. So far, just some slight discomfort, albeit like period pain although my period is still 10 days away.

Still no spotting nor breast tenderness. I'm beginning to doubt.

a) Perhaps, I didn't ovulate.

b) Perhaps, we missed the egg or we were too early.

c) Perhaps, due to genetic disorder, embryogenesis couldn't take place.

All in all, I think I should cease worrying about whether or not I'm pregnant. Let's just wait for another week!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Fitting into one's plan

I have been married since February 18, 2006. Ever since my first married day, I've been preparing myself, mentally and physically for a baby. I always knew I wanted to have children, regardless of how I am being influenced by my husband's unreadiness for children and through observation on why people have children.

I have been waiting eagerly and patiently for my husband to agree, as a family to start trying for a baby. To cut the story short, my husband finally agreed, much to my anticipation. It was such an overwhelming feeling to know that he has agreed to have kids. We will officially try for one in December this year.

I should have blogged earlier to share my journey in having my first baby, but I guess it's still not too late.


I have a pretty regular though not exactly accurate menstrual cycle. I may be late a couple of days or at worst I've experienced was 2 weeks late, but never earlier than 28 days. This led me to believe that my menstrual cycle is on average 30-35 days and not the archetypal 28 days. Hence, you can imagine, how hard it is to time the fertile period. However, over the last couple of months, my cycle has been predictable.

In September, we did try on the day I noticed the changes in my cervical mucus. To me, it was basically a hit or miss. Therefore, we weren't diligent in trying. Inside me, I was hoping that it would be a hit! As days passed, I thought I would be pregnant or perhaps my mind has been playing on me. Soon, as I was about to have my period, I had spotting, light and slightly brown, well not really brown, just not fresh red blood! I was thrilled.. and so I waited.. the next day came, so did my period! =( argh.. it was so disappointing!

In October, 2008 I had my period on the 26th. As I watched out for the fertile period ie the 14th day, I did notice that my cervical mucus was sticky and clear white in colour or as they say, it has the consistency of an egg white. I've thought of using an ovulation kit, but I was battling within myself. I wanted the baby to be 'God-given' if you know what I mean. Anyway, unfortunately, the environment wasn't ideal for making babies, hence we had to give it a miss that month. Oh well, December will be the month then.

November 24th, my period came. It was pretty accurate and early for once!
I used a web-based ovulation calculator to determine the fertility window, I thought we'd be alright for babymaking. My most fertile period is from 5-11th December, oh I would be giving too much away if I even say when we did our baby making, so you figure it out yourself, at your own discretion, please.

Days passed, I didn't feel anything, which of course is normal. But since yesterday, I've started feeling slight discomfort in my tummy. At one time, it was a sharp pain which didn't last very long. Then after dinner, the pain was just like before my period is due. My tummy or rather, lower tummy felt a slight warm feeling. I felt slightly weak just like when I am having my period.

This morning however, the pain subsided.

In my heart, I want to believe that I'm pregnant but I do not want to be disappointed.

My next step is to wait for some spotting, before my period is due again. Wish me all the best!

Whatever it is, I want to give praise to the Lord and I want to hold on to God's promise in our lives.

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