Saturday, April 11, 2009

Some 3D photos of my baby

Here's a video of all the scan photos we had so far. Te 4D scan costed me AUD310. Price ranges from $280 - 310. If you can, try to go to a place where they bulk-bill and make sure you book earlier.

The baby apparently is fine and healthy but I was told I had a slightly lower placenta (placenta praevia). The distance between the placenta and my cervic is about 2.2cm and the right distance should be at least 2.5cm. Although there's still plenty of time for the placenta to go higher, depending on obstetrician, I might have to opt for a C-section. I wasn't too happy upon hearing this news. I so wanted a natural birth no matter how painful it might be.

How placental praevia comes to be is when implantation probably occurs later and/or the implantation occured close to the cervic. When this happen, a C-section is inevitable depending on the level of placental praevia.


As you can see, my type of placental praevia is still yet to be confirmed and can only be determined at about 30 weeks onwards. Meaning to say, I have to book and pay for another scan. Sigh, now I have to worry about the cost of a C-section in Sydney.

Please pray for a normal and smooth delivery for me. Thanks, everyone!


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