Friday, May 15, 2009

24 weeks now

Somehow, I feel time is passing a little too slow.. probably because I can't wait for my baby's arrival. Thank goodness I have been well so far, praise the Lord. I have not fallen sick at all since being pregnant.. morning sickness doesn't qualify as sickness because they are primarily symptoms of being pregnant. Being in the 2nd trimester is absolutely awesome. I am able to eat anything and everything albeit in a smaller portion but more times a day. I have been enjoying dessert (all those sinful calories that I used to avoid feeding my body) like never before. I am enjoying every moment of my pregnancy.

Anyway, baby is doing fine. Kicking so much and probably doing lots of somersault in her tiny confinement space. If she's really going to be tall and thin and beautiful, I will consider taking her to ballet lessons or even be a gymnast! I think I am one of those mums who will make their children live dreams which they never had. Oh well, that's when my husband will exercise his authority by putting a stop to all my unrealistic desire.

We have a name in mind for the baby, but dare not make it known publicly because finding out baby's gender through ultrasound is never 100%. Moreover, I found out about baby's gender at 17-19 weeks. So, that might be a little too early to confirm. So, personally I am having some reservations until the day of delivery.

If you ask me if I have any preference for baby's gender, well, I would be lying if I say no. I'm sure everyone prefers something over another. Having said that, it doesn't mean that, what you prefer less would mean rejected, in spiritual sense. Of course I thank the Lord, whichever he decides to give, because He knows what is best for me which I definitely don't for myself.

Anyway, my ideal family would be 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls. That's my dream family. Hopefully, my husband would be keen to have more children after our first child! =)

Talking of which, I have to mention this. I have such a wonderful husband, if not the best in the world. He made some chicken essence for me the other day, and I was so surprised he knows how to double boil a chicken. When I asked him, how he knew it, he then told me the story of how his dad taught him when he was a teenager, to cook for his future pregnant wife. I was so touched to have such a great father in law who seriously knows how to pass down good teaching and knowledge. This is how a father should be. Well, to proove that Andrew did what his dad taught him, here's some pictures.



Hey...I managed to chance on your blog while I was surfing the net...Congrats to you in being a first time mum...Hope all will be well with your pregnancy...And, kudos to you hubby for taking such a good care of you! Keep it up!

However, I did feel a bit sad when I read your sentence "If she's really going to be tall and thin and beautiful, I will consider taking her to ballet lessons or even be a gymnast! " What made me sad was I felt that you were already discriminating your baby even before she's born..somehow what I feel is that so if she is not up to your standard (each of us have our own standards of course)of tall, thin and beautiful, you will not take her to ballet lessons or even be a gymnast? I'm not saying your baby won't be beautiful or tall or thin, but I feel that what you have uttered somehow don't feel right to me...As you are setting a condition to things she cannot control to determine your actions.

I'm sorry if I have hurt you or made you angry, but this is what I felt and I thought I would share some of my thoughts with you.


Ai Chui

Hi Sarah,
This is Ai Chui here, welcome to parenthood. Remember to enjoy ur pregnancy now. It will soon be over and u will definitely going to miss ur pregnancy. Eat what u can... By the way, my baby girl is 7 months old now. Baby is really vy cute. My hubby is also like Andrew who dun wanna have baby so early but now he really love her daughter so much. When i saw him playing wif her i am so touched. When Andrew sees his daughter, there is no way that he wont love her... So eat all u can and rest as much as possible. Stay happy and smile always so tht your baby will be a happy child...


Hi Christina, sorry if I sound discriminating on what I wrote. I need to pray and ask for God's forgiveness for always making judgmental remarks, be in to other people or my baby. That's probably my weakness in life which I have to change. But I guess, no one's perfect and everyone passes remarks such as that without any malice intention.
First of all, I must clarify that my love for my baby (even unborn) is unquestionable and I'm sure every mother will love their child regardless to the point of sacrificing/dying for them, even when making such remarks.
In a sense, I am a very practical and realistic person. No hard feelings, but I truly believe this world has indeed set lots of criteria for any field to be in for our children. Dancing as much as it is my passion, also has rules of its own set by people dominating the industry and not me. It is sad but true.
This world is pretty cruel too, I must say. I watched a series of "So you think you can dance" Australian version, where this girl actually dances extremely well. The only reason she didn't get through was because she just didn't have the physique for it, which is why the judges couldn't let her go through the next round. So, as much as she’s talented and she’s passionate about dancing, will she ever go anywhere with dancing because people already stereotyped dancers to be tall (somewhat), slim and beautiful (maybe to an extent). This is definitely not a standard set by me but it is sad to see that the world perceives it that way.
Come to think of it, realizing that my child is chubby or on the plump side (perhaps, I should be sensitive enough to not use the word “fat”) should my child fall into that category, is being realistic but that doesn’t mean I love her any less. Hence, I don’t think I will encourage her to be a ballet dancer/gymnast. But I guess I have to deal with the situation if she ever insists on learning because she is really interested.
You see, if my mother had sent me to ballet lessons, I don't think I will be a professional dancer. It will only end up as a passing activity not to mention probably a waste of money because I will not do anything with ballet thereafter. Reason I say this is because I learnt piano, finished Grade 8 but never do anything with piano after I finished learning. If I ask myself, does it make any difference whether I learnt or not, I don’t have an answer for you. It’s just a decision made by my mother and I even thankful regardless. Will I regret if I never learn piano, well, life still has to go on.
Of course, I can never win this kind of argument because every parent has their own way of bringing up their children. I once saw this situation where a mother commented to her eldest and second child that her third child is the smartest among the three of them. As much as I feel it’s not right, I don’t think it’s my place to tell her, it’s wrong to play favouritism or making such crude remarks. Then again, I still think she loves all her children equally much, just that she is plainly and insensitively stating a mere fact.
However, I do appreciate your comments and concern and thank you for dropping by my blog. I just wanted to clarify that I’m not setting conditions for my children which they cannot control that determines my action. I just want to be realistic and not idealistic.


Thanks AiChui. Congrats on your little girl. I will take on board your advise!! =) Enjoy your little girl as much as you can now. They grow up really fast!

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